Welcome to the Highland Vista Homeowners Association website!

Upcoming in 2024 -  Events This Year --
1) Neighborhood Work Party (NWP) - Held on Saturday, June 22, 2024 - A big thanks to those who helped out!
2) Neighborhood Picnic and/or Park Movie Night - A BBQ lunch was held for everyone following the NWP
3) Neighborhood Garage Sale - No Garage Sale was planned for 2024.
4) Annual Homeowners Meeting - Usually held in early December, so this is coming up soon.  Please plan to

Projects for This Year --
1) Park - Replace Pickleball court net posts, reeling mechanism, and top net wire - New net posts are still being

2) Park - Add coated metal picnic table with small cement slab/u-bolt to chain it down - 2 picnic tables were added,
     one in the sun and one in the shade.

3) Park - Apply surface cleaner and pressure wash the sport court - The sport court back end was thoroughly
     cleaned, the rest was pressure washed

4) Park - Add 3 yards of bark to "tree hill" - Prior to the NWP, the park hill moss was removed & seeded with grass
5) Trails - Clean up and remove trash - Deferred to 2025
6) Front Entrance - Replace existing island lights with lights more directional and less bright - Deferred to 2025
7) Front Entrance - Remove and replace dead tree in the island - Prior to the NWP, the dead tree was removed.
8) Front Entrance - Have Arborvitae trees on north side professionally trimmed - Deferred to 2025

For a full description of the projects, visit the Projects page

New in the Last Year - 

Projects page (5/4/24),  Annual Meeting Minutes-12-5-23 (12/13/23),  Board page (12/13/23), 
Budget page (12/13/23),  Projects page (12/13/23),  Meeting Minutes page (12/13/23),  News page (6/26/23)

If you need to contact the HVHA Board or Homeowners Association for any reason, please use the Contact Us page to do that.